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Removal of one of atomic grog's claims


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Your Name: Flinkymeatball
Claim Leaders Name: Atomicgrog
Coordinates of claim (use format xyz: 1845 64 2374) : -1914  90  -3448
Claim members: Atomic grog
Reason for request: Ive asked him several times in the past to remove this but the reply I got was along the lines of: "no, make a claim removal request and see where that gets you :)" its been casuing a major issue for people in the town because its just in the way and is blocking a bit of land people like, since its right by the river, also its in blacklist mode so people cant fly over top either.
Screenshot of town members activity (optional, but recommended): I don't think hes visited ever since he did this to piss off tower members, the thing is, he was helper when he did this, idk how he got that but its gone nowimage.png.c064f56a337ddb8ab1cf8c57baed6fce.png

Ps, I know it says 19 days but I don't think hes visisted this claim for over 2 months now


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