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[Refund Request] igortorati

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Your Name: igortorati
Item Name + Amount:


The most important is the Emeradic Crystal AIOT(Efficiency II and Unbreaking II, if I'm not wrong).
Coordinates (format x, y, z): -771, 3, -4140.
Coordinates of Death Tablet placed in a chest: -773, 5, -4102 (X, Y, Z)
Description of Issue: Hello, I was playing on direwolf20 1.12 sever and I was trying to make Garden Cloches, it turns out they didn't work, so I went to find items for a Farming station, and them I died on the bedrock and no gravestone was left behind.
Screenshots (Optional): 

I recorded a video showing my chests and all, but it's more than the allowed file size (I can Upload to youtube if needed), items lost:



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