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Refund Request


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Your Name: CptDishonored
Item Name + ID + Amount:

Dragon Scale Helmet(Blue)(Upgraded potential,Advanced Protection 4, Unbreaking 3, advanced mending) | 5483 | 1[masterful]

Dragon Scale Chestplate(blue)(Upgraded potential,Advanced Protection 4, Unbreaking 3,adv mending,Strengthened Vitality 5) | 5484 | 1[masterful]

Dragon Scale Leggings(blue)(Upgraded potential,Advanced Protection 4,Unbreaking 3,adv mending) | 5485 |1[masterful]

Dragon Scale Boots(blue)(Upgraded potential,Advanced Protection 4,Unbreaking 3,adv mending,adv feather falling 4) | 5486 |1 [masterful]

Dragon's eye | 5346 |1

XP Tome | 5357 | 3

Diamond sword [Legendary]Name:RuleBreaker)Upgraded potential,supreme sharpness 5,subject p.e 5,Subject Matchematics 4,adv mending,arc slah 3,education 3,lifesteal 4,ancient sword mastery 3) |0276 | 1

Flamed Dragonbone Rapier[Legendary]Name:Error(Upgraded Potentials,Supreme sharpness 5,Subject Mathematics 4,Subject P.E,Ancient sword mastery 3,adv mending,arc slash 2,lifesteal 4) |5126 |1

Ring of dwarfs (hearty)| 5348 |1

Shield of honor(hearty)|6124 |1

Mixed color Dragon Scale (hearty)|4224 |1

Totem of undying |0449 |1

Bottle O' Enchanting |0384 | 2  stacks

Flamed Dragonbone-Strengthened Longbow(upgraded potentials,adv power5,adv mending,infinity,rapid fire 5,supreme flame,splitshot 4) |5136 |1

Base Coordinates: -2559 54 2975 
Description of Issue: I died to a gorgon and the server closed with all my stuff on the ground,never got it back,i just bought the dwarf ring for 15k.


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