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[Island Rollback Request] MrH00ver

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Your Name: MrH00ver 
Island Owner Name: Gamestrider_
Coordinates: x: -7428, z: -2310, y: 64
Time/Timezone/Date (Post a time/date when everything was fine): 03:00 (am) / BST / 10/04/2020
Description of Issue: Island has been roled back due to a hacker issue that took place after me and my friends left just wanting a more recent save than what the current rollback is as we lost alot of stuff considering its our first 6 hours playing and all of our loot from the vote keys and legendary keys we got (About 45 Vote keys and 6 legendary keys).
Screenshots (Optional): 

8 hours ago, MrH00ver said:

Your Name: MrH00ver 
Island Owner Name: Gamestrider_
Coordinates: x: -7428, z: -2310, y: 64
Time/Timezone/Date (Post a time/date when everything was fine): 03:00 (am) / BST / 10/04/2020
Description of Issue: Island has been roled back due to a hacker issue that took place after me and my friends left just wanting a more recent save than what the current rollback is as we lost alot of stuff considering its our first 6 hours playing and all of our loot from the vote keys and legendary keys we got (About 45 Vote keys and 6 legendary keys).
Screenshots (Optional): 

This is no longer necessary as we have got back to where we where the previous night. :D


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