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[Refund Request] 'BrandoLP " 


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In-Game Name: BrandoLP
Item name + Item ID (Item ID optional, but very helpful!):

4x Magmatic dynamo (Basic)
4x Energy Cell (basic)
4x Pulverizer (Basic)
4x Redstone Furnace (Basic)
4x Ender tank
4x Strongbox (basic)
16x Fluid Conduit
32x energy conduit

Time & Date (Time and Date when you lost the item/s): 13.05.2020 around 22:00 MESZ
Description of Issue (how you lost the items): i regestriert 4 Strongboxes with itmens named above in the market and after a restart they where gone. i don't got any cash so it couldn't be sold and when i'm clicking on Return your items i get only my 3 ME crates that are atm in the market.
Evidence (an old screenshot/video that shows you had the items;Optional): 


8 of the crates u can see in the screen = 

8x Magmatic dynamo (Basic)
8x Energy Cell (basic)
8x Pulverizer (Basic)
8x Redstone Furnace (Basic)
8x Ender tank
8x Strongbox (basic)
32x Fluid Conduit
64x energy conduit
8x Induction Smelter (Basic)
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