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[Claim Rollback Request]Lightningbolt40


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[Claim Rollback Request]Lightningbolt40

Your Name: Lightningbolt40
Coordiantes: -4317 2016
Time/Timezone/Date (Post a time/date when everything was fine):  Sunday, nov22ste, 20:00 Central Europe time
Description of Issue: I dont know what happened with server but all my golden bookwyrms with max level and one second timer are gone. not completly the ones are back from when i was breeding to max level. So i assume the server did get back on a backup or one of my neightbors has asked for a roleback claim request.

rather pls only copy paste a rectangular from -4311 2013 to -4321 2023. this is bc they where their in a pen if you wanna see im not lying yust dig down on the location -4317 2016 and you will see them.

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