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Your Name: Alyx404
Item Name + Amount: 
60 or so Osmium ingots

 5 Signalum Fluxduct
Coordinates: -29931 64 -27397
Description of Issue: So basically the server has been crashing today a lot recently, and the tps has been very low. When I tried to use my signalum fluxducts to connect them between the power source and a harvester, the server crashed. When I logged back in, I was not only rewinded to before I used the fluxducts themselves, but the items also disappeared. In that same login I attempted to use the metallurgic infuser to create a basic control circuit using the 60 osmium ingots I possessed. After a couple circuits were made, and while I was attempting to craft an advanced control circuit, the server crashed and the same happened again to both my items and progress. Luckily (as far as I am aware) the ingots were the only things I lost from the second crash. I hope this issue gets revolved soon, as it makes me doubtful of attempting to keep progressing in the game and redeem vote crate keys just to lose them after a crash. Thank you for reading and have a good one.

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