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[Refund Request] LLelouch_VI

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Your Name: LLelouch_VI
Item Name + Amount: Fluxbore, Fluxsaw, Fluxomagnet, Flux Capacitor, Angel Ring, Greater Ring of Magnetization, golden shovel, Cable Wrench, Mob imprisonment tool with Shulker in it, Builder, Shape Card (Quarry), those starting books when joining the server, Phased Field Generator, Inscriber Calculation Press. One of each.
Coordinates (format x, y, z):  x: -9936, y: unknown, z: -6452
Coordinates of Death Tablet placed in a chest: 
Description of Issue: I clicked on sign at spawn to randomly teleport, and I teleported around 166 blocks over world border and instantly died (suffocated in a wall). I did not name all items I had before this happen as I can make them again without problems.
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