Nuked_Rag Posted May 30, 2021 Posted May 30, 2021 Your Name: Nuked_Rag Coordinates: 8302 - 9331 Time/Timezone/Date (Post a time/date when everything was fine): 1:47 PM GMT+3, 27th May 2021 Description of Issue: I was in /warp raid when I dropped down on a dragon and killed it. There is a glitch where if a dragon grabs you, and then you kill it, you get stuck in it, and there is no way to get out unless someone loots the dead dragon. I usually do /home, then /back so I teleport back, out of the dragon's mouth, but this time for some reason I mysteriously died when I did /home, and I couldn't do /back because the game said "that it wasn't safe" (probably because of the dead dragon). Screenshots (Optional):
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