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[Refund Request] Wish7


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Your Name: Wish7
Item Name + Amount: 
Blue dragon amor full set (Masterful Quality)
(Enchanted with Adv Mending(FullSet), Adv blast protection(Helmet)Adv Protection 4(Chestplate, Leggings, shoes)unbreaking 3(Fullset), aqua affinity(Helmet), feather falling 4(Boots)

Bubbles in picture 2 of which have Punishing, 3 others with Undying 
(Tool Belt(
P) / Stone of innertia(U) / Potion ring of resistance / Potion ring of regeneration(U) / Ankh Charm(U) / Stone Of the Sea / Dragon's eye (P) / Ring Of Fairy.


Tool Belt Tools > Unbreakable Diamond Pickaxe (Fortune 3 + Adv Efficiency 4) Unbreakable Diamond Pickaxe (Silk touch + Adv Efficiency 4) / Custom Weapon / Diamond Sword with (Lootting X + Adv mending + Sharpness 5) / Ender staff / Diamond Axe (Adv Efficiecy 3 + Unbreaking + Versatile) / Diamond Shovel
(Adv Efficiency 4
+ Fortune 1 + Unbreaking 3


Iced Dragon Bone Greatsword (Legendary Quality(Freshly made) 
(Enchanted with Education 3, Unbreaking 3, Advanced Mending, Curse of possesion


Coordinates: -3471 57 16
Description of Issue: i went to raid world to find villagers, Instant death after using /home, Died immediately upon reaching home, withnesses (ahkent1125 , Lieww), theye even helped me to dig down into my house to find my equips none was found. Time of death : 22.40 8+GMT

Weird thing is my Halberg is still in my Inv, while my greatsword isn't because both of them have
Curse of possesion

Screenshots (Optional): Unable to upload so here are the links :-
Withnesses               >  https://imgur.com/1XGlKoA  
Armors and Baubles >  https://imgur.com/BzajnMX

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