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Inventory Rollback due to instantly-dissapearing items


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Your Name:  rexeb
Coordinates:  X:2226  Y:195 Z: -134
Time/Timezone/Date (Post a time/timezone/date when everything was fine):  16:00  (GMT+2) South African Standard Time
Description of Issue: At around 16:30-16:40 (GMT +2) I was letting someone use my "xp farm" of sorts. My spawners weren't spawning any enemies except one, which spawned normal spiders. I was troubleshooting inside since i've never been able to walk inside without hordes attacking me. I whack the spiders one shot easily with my Halberd whilst troubleshooting, when I hit a lag spike and died instantly, being familiar with lag, I just did /back and picked up half of my items and saw the rest on the floor. When, because I'm armourless, I'm killed by another lag spike by the same spiders. When I waited the 5s and did /back again I only picked up the first half of my inventory and the rest just isn't anywhere to be found. I also used an item called "Coin of Fortune" which acts as a magnet, pulling in all items in a 15 block radius,to no avail. Me and the player with me "GoddessSophia" searched the all the hoppers and chests a bit away from my death point but found none of the items. 
Screenshots (Optional): None

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