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Inv Loss


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Wondering if anyone could help me on the infinity server. i was moving some stuff in my base when i died, then tried to go back to my base and take my stuff. there came a server save that whiped all my inventory mid air before i could take it. so i was asking in chat and somebode refered me to this forum and ask for a rollback couse i lost some stuff that, atm i cannot replace. ty very much in advance 


_ItWasntMe_ (aka yesin)


Your Name: 
Item Name + Amount: Flux-infused helmet,boots and leggings,   Reinfoced jetpack,   wyvern pickaxe     maybe somthing else but thats the onythings i care about
Coordinates x -3651 Y :  61 z : -2601
Description of Issue: See previus post


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