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[Command Request] Thatcrazyflyguy


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Account Name:  Thatcrazyflyguy
Rank: Sponsor
Requested Commands^: /craft /worldedit and /drink
Reason for Request*:  Craft would be good for when i'm fighting in a dungeon, in the field, and for anything that doesn't go in the normal 2x2 when a crafting table isn't near.

Worldedit i would like for flattening terrain. There is at least one mod and one player I know who uses this on my server so I can ask them to help give me pointers.

Drink or if there is some other command for thirst I would like it please as we have a thirst and hunger bar. If one doesn't exist oh well i guess i'm going to die lol! XD

Thank you in advance and Hope you had a Merry Christmas or whichever Holiday you celebrate(s) and a Happy New year!


World edit and craft permissions granted.

About the drink command, afaik there's nothing to fill your thirst, I'll look into it again later.

Please keep in mind that any form of abuse of this Permission will result in permanently removing it from you, and please avoid filling or pasting large structures at once.


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