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Name: Scarlxd

Names of Items:

Diamond Helmet (which is why i died lmfao)
Golem Chestplate: Str. Vitality 5, Adv. Protection 4, Unbreaking 3, Adv. Mending, Curse of Possession
Golem Leggins:      Adv. Protection 4, Unbreaking 3, Adv. Mending, Curse of Possession
Golem Boots:         Adv. Protection 4, Unbreaking 3, Adv. Mending, Curse of Possession
Flamed Dragonbone Halberd: Subject. P.E 5, Sharpness 5, Unbreaking 3, Envenomed 3, Ash Destroyer 2, Vampirism 2, Lifesteal 2, Mending, Curse of Possession

Ring of the Faeles, Ring of the Fairies, Potion Ring of Regeneration, Balloon, Bezoar, Gluttony Pendant, 

Enderstaff, 4 empty xp tomes, Dragon Canteen 

About 25 Levels (Currently lvl 33, used to be lvl 58 before death)

Coordinates: (Of Death) -6651, 79, -871 (Raidworld)
Current: 3244, 42, 2038 (Overworld)
Issue: Died right before Clearlag, Items vanished (even with curse of possession)

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