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Item Refund Request Direwolf20 1.16.5

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Your Name: DBZWatcher

Item Name + Amount: 1 ring of the mantle, 1 ring of muspelheim, 1 Greatest band of aura, 1 angel ring, 1 Ring of loki, 1 Ring of thor, 1 Ring of odin, and 1 cloak of balance

Coordinates: in the nether x1114 y80 z-296

Description of Issue: I was flying through the nether to find a fortress and stopped by a bastion and after I mined the gold I was surrounded by around 20 piglins both regular and brutes and when I tried to fly it wouldn't let me and by time I could heal I ended up dyeing and when I went back and broke my grave I did not get any of the listed items back either by an issue with soul bound items or the server deleting them after they fell and so I ended up losing the listed items.

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