MrStangg Posted January 22, 2022 Posted January 22, 2022 Account Name: MrStangg Rank: Sponsor + Requested Commands^: /god /worldedit /give @p randomthings:timeinabottle 1 0 {timeData:{storedTime:5400000}} Reason for Request*: I’ve used god in every server that I’ve been apart of for obvious reasons. Sometimes lag causes issues which then make it more of a hassle than anything. This is just to avoid that. ive used /world edit only in 2 different servers for the same reason of clearing land or adding land. In this case it’s for building on to my base. the time in a bottle command is to give myself a bottle of time with a good bit of time in it for testing purposes but also in case I lose my bottle again and have to restart of collecting time. On another story I purchased the rank and decided to go another way with my way instead of being above water I transferred to underwater. In doing so I lost 2 active chunks. I went from having 6 for the rank of sponsor + to having just 4. Since this I purchased more claims Bc I haven’t been able to resolve the issue. Any help would be well received. Thank you! Have a blessed day. Spoiler
ASOOD Posted January 22, 2022 Posted January 22, 2022 World Edit and God permissions added, keep in mind that any type of abuse will result in your permission being removed permanently. Give is only a staff command and can't be given to players Topic Closed.
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