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[Town Rollback Request] Wish7


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Your Name: Wish7
Town Name: My house
Coordinates: 1084 63 5801 
Time/Date (Post a time/date when everything was fine): 7pm / 28/JAN/2022
Description of Issue: House disappered. I actually spend a day to rebuilt everything back, ASOOD can u rollback my house?.. Just discard wat is need to be discarded not my house please..
Screenshots (Optional): image.png.ed2423bc55f86a299e485d4f5e5e0ce6.png


Since you share the same base with ahkent1125, that he got banned for Community Rule 2 - 2nd offense - Bug Abuse (Creative Tag Removal), We need to clear all his bases (as stated in Rule 2), even if other players share it with him, due to the lack of legitimacy of the items that exists in the base, that is his fault for not following the rules.

Rollback Request Denied.

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