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[Inventory Rollback Request] _tinomu


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[Inventory Rollback Request] _tinomu

Your Name:

2346; 59; -3377
Time/Timezone/Date (Post a time/date when everything was fine): 

12/02/2022 , 16:27:25 South African Standard Time (SAST)
Description of Issue: 

I went into a Gorgon temple that was right next to a village in the raid world so I thought this is an opportunity to get a gorgon head so, I prepared the @iceandfire blindfold as I know from the wiki is the best way to avoid petrification but. As I soon find out it doesn't work, I was stuck in a loop of trying to retrieve my stuff and dying until everything despawned. Please help. I've also added this to the bug report on Discord.
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