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Marix79 [claim rollback request]


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Your Name: my user is Marix79 but i shared a claim with Dragontammerz
Coordiantes: -74, 72, 5626
Time/Date (Post a time/date when everything was fine)(day/month/year): 3/3/2022 event happened around 7:30pm
Description of Issue: I was getting some spruce wood and my clan member messages me with the word "problem" and i tp home to find a hole down the center of the house, im still not entirely sure what happened and i really dont understand why stuff like this keeps happening
Screenshots (Optional): the file size is too large so ill send a google doc with photos: https://docs.google.com/document/d/15aVKE2czg1vXLokCLBEwLohESJGJ9j6lxfWV3ivQif4/edit?usp=sharing


Okay, ive finally wrapped my head around what happened, one of my clan members spawned my stage 4 dragon in the house without me knowing and it destroyed multiple chests, many of those chests holding important items

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