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I want to ask if blood magic rituals or basically blood magic past tier 3 altar is intentionally just straight up banned from this server because imperfect ritual stone is, which means you cant craft ritual stones thus cant progress in blood magic past tier 3 altar (cant make tier4 altar and so on).




Just want to know if i asked admin to trade me ritual stones for materials needed to craft them, could they be given to me or is imperfect ritual stone banned on purpose so nobody can advance in blood magic and do rituals.


What you need imperfect ritual stones for? For the 4 blocks on top of the pillars? If so, you need Large Bloodstone Brick for that


yeah but that one is made from ritual stones which are made from imperfect ritual stones. Then if i want to do rituals (well of suffering for example so i could automate blood) i need another at least 25 ritual stones (quests show that) and i am not sure how much more would i need to make if i advanced even more (i am first time playing with blood magic).

If the only thing that is meant to be banned is imperfect ritual stone and other stuff is alright, couldnt be ritual stones just added to spawn shop ? bcs as i said idk how many would i eventually need, maybe i will have to make more altars and so on its gregtech in the end or other players will start with blood magic and they will also hit this progress wall.


By default bloodstones are made with a weak crystal and a stone placed together in a crafting grid, is the recipe modified in GT:h?


In 1.7.10 by default ritual stones are made from 4 obsidian, 4 reinforced slate and a blood orb (atleast apprentice). The recipe is changed in gtnh?


Imperfect Ritual Stone > BloodMagic - Dupe bugs

the reason why its banned.

I think Large Bloodstones can be added to the shop beause you cant craft these.


And cant be  ritual stone added to shop please? only the normal one that is not banned but cant be crafted bcs imperfect ritual stone is banned. (crafting recipe in image, block in the middle is imperfect ritual stone).

c-ritual stone.png

Bcs otherwise there is no way to do rituals, atleast at this stage of advancement in blood magic. Aaand this normal ritual stone is also used to craft bloodstones. (recipe for bloodstone in image, normal ritual stones are the blocks around)


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