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Your Name: Arche0pterix
Island Owner Name: Arche0pterix
Coordinates: 41729 , 119 , 9473
Time/Timezone/Date (Post a time/date when everything was fine): 16:00 UTC +3 , 6/24/2022
Description of Issue: Logged in today to play my second day on the server , Spawned in the open with nothing but wreckages which confused me. Used /home and got teleported on the same spot . After using / ftbteamislands home i realized what my is was wiped due to teaming up with a friend of mine . Had no idea about that because previously everything was fine after restarts ,  so i figured what it's ok to have two islands on the same team . Gave team leader to my pal and apparently his island got to see another day and mine was owned 
Screenshots (Optional): Got only one screenshot which a took by mistake and it's of a chest . If it's gonna help  , i will provide it.

  • max changed the title to [Island Rollback Request] Arche0pterix

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