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Your Name: EternalSong
Town Name: Elysium
Coordinates: X:7343 Y:64 Z:-9125
Time/Timezone/Date (Post a time/date when everything was fine): 20:00 BST/GMT
Description of Issue: 1 Chunk in base has deiced to bug disconnecting all me wires and destroying all my me drives will all my stuff inside. Second time it has happened. Found out its due to the chunk loader been in the same chunk as the me system. Will be moving them so they dont cause this issue again or simply not using them. I have removed them all.
Screenshots (Optional): https://prnt.sc/J2OE01AvxK7W

  • Manager

indeed this happens if a world anchor is in the same chunk as your ME. Removing it and wait for a server restart / fully unloading the area , should fix the issue. You can still use the word anchors to load your area since it is loading 3x3 chunks and only the middle one cant be used. In addition, the security terminal can also sometimes course issues at chunk boarders for that put a black card in there that has modify perms .

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