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[RLCraft - Got killed at spawn and my items dropped] OracleOfMe

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In-Game Nickname: (One complaining about)



Time and date:

22:02 MET on the 06.08


Description of what happened: (In chronological order)

I got killed at Spawn by a Player named "Senisgo" at 22:02 MET on the 06.08. I've been killed before, but my items never dropped. This time, to my surprise, they all dropped. I complained in chat afterwards, but Senisgo made no effort to give them back. I've got a Screenshot of the Chat message.

Would it be possible to make him give me the items back? I got killed in the admin market. Maybe there is a protection bug? 


Screenshots or Proof: (Use www.imgur.com)



List of eyewitnesses: (They should also make a post below)


  • oracle_of_me changed the title to [RLCraft - Got killed at spawn and my items dropped] OracleOfMe

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