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Your Name: UltraTrouper
Coordinates (format x, y, z):  -6170 166 -9423
Description of Issue: Since I Was Told To List The Items For The Refund & It Didn't Seem Like The Reply Was Seen Im Gonna Post It Here.
Item Name + Amount: 
Mjollnir (Enchants- Capture 5, Scav 3, Reaper 5, Sharp 5, Hammer Mobility 5, Power 5, Loyalty 3, Flame, Life Leach)

Attomic Deconstructor
Lightning Dragon Steel Axe & Sword (Enchants On Both- Sharpness 5, Indestructible)
Both Types Of Personal Shrinking Device
x16 Mob Capture Devices
Lightning Dragon Steel Pickaxe (Enchant- Silk Touch & Indestructible)
Blue Quark Rune
x4 Quantum Mob Catcher
Infinity Building Wand
Maxed Ice And Fire Bestiary
Mystic Code - First  Sorcery (Enchant Indestructible)
Scroll Of The Mystic Eyes Of Insight
Scroll Of Fallen Down
Geas Scroll
Eternal Steak
Advanced Feeding Upgrade
Stonecutter Upgrade
Stack Upgrade Tier 4
Jukebox Upgrade
Mystic Staff Of Spatial Disorientation
Mystic Staff Of Explosive Mana Condensation (Enchant Indestructible)
Mining Gadget Mk3 (Upgrades-Silk Touch, Magnet, 3x3, Freezing, Fortune T3, Range T3, Battery T3, Efficiency T5
Shears (Enchants-Indestructible, Efficiency 5, Fortune 3)
Digital Miner (x8 Energy Upgrades,x8 Speed Upgrades)
x5 Lasers (Mekanism)
x3 Waystones

7 hours ago, veber01 said:

This will require a rollback instead of a refund. Could you reply with the last date you had these items on you?

i was told by 3xj that backpacks CANT be rolled back and list the items for a refund...

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