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The problem shouldn't be the tile entities, since as I remember, those are commonly higher than 10k as every machine, item frame, storage drawer, most modded blocks (like nearly all of them) count as a tile entity.  While they do cause a slight amount of lag, usually it's not enough to be a problem.  This lag has even been happening when there is only 1 player on sitting at spawn (I know, I've done it after pulling all of my chunk loaders, so I couldn't have had anything loaded) and as such, is likely something odd happening.  Either a chunk issue, a hardware issue, or something else out of the ordinary.  Admin staff is looking for it as they have time and will be correcting it as soon as they can determine the cause.

Until then, we have to try to live with the lag or take a short break from the pack.  I'd suggest GTNH except that seems self-serving since I'm a helper on that server! :)


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