cmatyas06 Posted October 22, 2022 Posted October 22, 2022 Your Name: cmatyas06 Claim Name: MC2 Coordinates: X: -5132 - Y:252 - Z:5292 Time/Timezone/Date (Post a time/date when everything was fine): Japan/Tokyo time zone - 21 October 22 / 0700 (7am) Description of Issue - After placing down gravity magic circles from Mahou Tsukai, the server became extremely laggy and continued to time me and everyone else out. Going near my base and loading those chunks will time everyone out and likely crash the server. Please roll back the overworld to the above time or before to stop this from happening. If it's possible to roll back just that area, that would be great. If it is possible to break the circles without rolling anything back, that would be even better. Mahou Tsukai circles can be broken with a bare hand, but be warned, if those chunks get loaded, it will lag every one out. I'd also recommend banning "scroll of the Gravity Boundary" from Mahou Tsukai to prevent this issue in the future.
cmatyas06 Posted October 24, 2022 Author Posted October 24, 2022 I checked today, I could access my area. Thank you admins.
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