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Your Name: CK_N0va
Item Name + Amount: 2 Netherite Pickaxes with enchants Efficiency V, Unbreaking 3, Fortune 3, Experience 3, Mending
Coordinates (format x, y, z): Withered Abyss -608, 67, -21
Coordinates of Death Tablet placed in a chest: Not sure
Description of Issue: I've lost two netherite pickaxes now with the above enchants, I thought the first one broke because i had it awhile but I made a brand new one with the above enchants on and it broke within me mining like 30 ish blocks even an unenchanted netherite pickaxe wouldn't break that quick so I'm not sure what's going on I would be grateful if someone cant help me understand what might have happened thanks 
Screenshots (Optional): Dont have one.

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