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Your Name: stahom
Item Name + ID + Amount:

2000 reactor fuel rods

179 reactor control rod

~ 400 cryo-Stabilysed Fluxduct

128 diamond promise acceptor

4 elven mana spreader

32 me interface

32 molecular assembler

~200 ancient dust

1 creative jetpack (won thru mystic key)

1 creative fluxomagnet (won thru mystic key)

~ 10 legendary keys ( well the contents of it not sure what exactly i got)

1 wyvern solar panel

20 stametal seeds

20 stone seeds

300 acceleration cards

1 destination analyser

1 dialing device

1 matter transmitter

1 dimension enscriber

1 dimension builder

and of course I lost all the patterns in my interfaces with the molecular assemblers but you cant replace them as the real value here is time.

Coordinates: 1603 x 77y x 4471z
Description of Issue: 

An admin reset my base. Resulting in me losing 1-2 days of progress. Due to a bug based on the last wipe that is not solved and will likely create issues again in the future. See

Screenshots (Optional): 


Ok so my base was reset again....


here we go with another


2000 reactor fuel rods

179 reactor control rod

~ 400 cryo-Stabilysed Fluxduct

128 diamond promise acceptor

4 elven mana spreader

32 me interface

32 molecular assembler

~200 ancient dust

1 creative jetpack (won thru mystic key)

1 creative fluxomagnet (won thru mystic key)

~ 10 legendary keys ( well the contents of it not sure what exactly i got)

1 wyvern solar panel

20 stametal seeds

20 stone seeds

300 acceleration cards


I guess the rf stuff will not be refunded.... so I'll just leave it out


also since yesterday I built another

1000 augment auxiliary reception coil

8 Luck modifier

1 Speed modifier

20 structure frames tier 5

128 enderium seeds

60000 stone (~15 quadrouple compressed stone)

20 gaiasteel ingots

1 enderium singularity

2 tungsten singularities

1 admant singularity

dont get me started on the production that happened during that day with my farm and the VOM or the 20trillion energy in my storage. lets just ignore that. also the other 5 legendaries i was able to open since yesterday and the 80 normal keys i got from the other players.



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