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In-Game Nickname: JakobDevs
Your username (Optional): SyndraOnTheBeat
Time and Date: 1:50pm EST | 02/25/2024

Description of what happened: Player JakobDevs admits to griefing someones base and taking their items. They then defended themselves when others including me let them know that it was considered griefing. Additionally, they called the griefed player a "dumbass" for not claiming half their base. Then continued to state that the staff including the owner and I quote "does not give a flying fuck". Please see the screenshots to Jakob's admittance.

Additionally, I would like to know if the rules no longer apply and we can take anyone's unclaimed items.

Screenshots or Proof: 

Self admittance: https://imgur.com/a/uON2kvg

Speaks for staff: https://imgur.com/a/Z7VWrSO

Additional Image in relation to if griefing is okay: https://imgur.com/a/y2rfUye

List of eyewitnesses: Everyone in the chat included within the images. 


 if its not claimed, its not against the rules to loot or destroy it. it has always been this way.

griefing is in relation to claimed land an it seems this was not claimed, so they did not grief. and also didnt use language that would fall under the inappropriate content rule, or the impersonating staff rule. while im sorry this has happened, nothing will be done to resolve it as it was player based. 

  • Manager

For the record, Boss does in fact, give a flying f*. I'm empathetic to your situation and I generally discourage hostility, but no rules have been broken here. Claim protections do not extend beyond the boundary you choose as a player.


I and several other players tried to explain all of this to you. But you refused to listen.

Boss does give a flying fuck about the server and his duties. What I meant was: He didn't give a fuck that I was taking unclaimed items because he quite simply understood it wasn't an issue. Please don't misunderstand.

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