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My only experience with other craftersland servers is ddss, but the vote key rewards on here just seem pathetic compared to on there.  The GT NH site/discord has already delisted craftersland as being "p2w", so its not like there is much to lose from making the vote keys less crappy, and it might encourage higher level players to vote more.  Stuff like the 8 redstone dust and 16 apples are laughable, and really most of the ingot vote key rewards are really rather low(for example, on ddss if you get bars of ore you generally get a full stack, not 8-16).  For other tiers, I don't know if the intention is to have some possibilities be "zonk" possibilities that are basically a "You Lose", but Alumite Ingots as legendary is laughable with how easy they are to make early, For Mystic tier, the Advanced Ore FInding box just feels really, really bad to get if you are lucky enough for a Mystic Key, and please for the love of whatever you believe in, fix the crate with the Tungensteel steam boiler to actually provide fuel that the thing can use.  Otherwise it is completely worthless until you are a higher tier because it literally can't run on the fuel provided.


I know that GT New Horizons is supposed to  be one of the "hardest" modpacks, and the developers really hate anything having a leg up in any way, but when I compare it to the vote key rewards on other modpacks the rewards on here just don't incentivize me to vote once i'm past LV.  

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