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Hey there! Skyfactory 4's main power source is the Matter Overdrive (We'll shorten it to MO) Fusion Reactor.

There is another reactor in NuclearCraft called the Fusion Reactor, of which is very hard to configure, is very technical and uses lots of chemistry and processes. The MO Fusion Reactor is much simpler however.

Structure - 16x Machine Hull, 1 gravitational anomaly (Use Integrated Tunnels to obtain), 4 Gravitational Stabilisers, 9 Fusion Coils, 2 Matter Decomposers, and the brain: Fusion Reactor Controller.

Place the Fusion Reactor Controller, Then place a matter decomposer on either side of the controller, then on the sides of them, place a machine hull. Build Diagonally following the shell hologram, in Machine Hulls. You will reach the 3 middle blocks of the 1st side, place fusion coils on all 3, followed by a hull (back to the diagonal hulls). Do this on every remaining side. You have built the shell, your fusion reactor will now work, but its gravity will be huge and uncontrolled. Place a Gravitational Stabiliser on the middle Fusion Coil / Controller of each side, use a Wrench to flip it, so the lasers are visible.

Put some diamonds in the decomposers, power the reactors controller just once, then use a flux plug to extract the power. This is an infinite supply of RF/FE

To void your blackhole (whether its moving it or its eaten your base up) throw a netherstar into it!


Do Not Exceed 3 Million Mass! Your Flux plugs will break, and if very uncontrolled, may eat your setup and leave behind a huge blackhole! Build this within 1 single chunk (Press F9 twice).

The video below is a tutorial video - by OnlyDravenGaming 



Edited by Hanners42
Direct link to the video
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