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Your Name: Sk0mpl1k0w4ny_
Coordinates: x: -9153, z: -3873, y: 83
Time/Timezone/Date (Post a time/date when everything was fine): 16:00 UTC
Description of Issue: 

neutralone used sethome at mine claim using bigPonyUp's account and killed all villagers while being invisible using cheats. 

I want the claim to be rolled back to about 16:00 UTC , before I wasn't sure when the vills got killed and when the claim was created, after I checked discord messages I'm pretty sure that at that time everything was fine, and claim was existing. I would reallyappreciate it if you guys tried to roll back the claim to that time. Proof screenshots are aviable im my earlier post.

Screenshots (Optional):


I died and got kicked out of the server. When i tried to join the server,it didnt let me join. When i joined the server i found out that the server restarted and lost allot of valuables. I would like a rollback as soon as possible (if this reason for a rollback is valid)


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57 minutes ago, Obdachlos0 said:

I died and got kicked out of the server. When i tried to join the server,it didnt let me join. When i joined the server i found out that the server restarted and lost allot of valuables. I would like a rollback as soon as possible (if this reason for a rollback is valid)


You need to make a separate rollback request

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