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Hello once again I am asking for a refund if possible. I apologize for asking again. I was putting stuff on from chests because I have been afk'ing naked in base due to people attempting to claim kill me. As I was putting things on the server reset. When I returned I saw that my bauble had disappeared. No big deal, I informed NewLumberJack of the incident just to report information. However upon further inspection I saw that my maxed Ice Dragon-Bone nunchucks had also disappeared. Unfortunately, unlike the bauble, these are something that I would like to get refunded or even roll-backed on my claim as I haven't made any progress. The time was approx 5:40 p.m. eastern standard time. My base coordinates are -183, 72, 1169. The ice dragon bone nunchucks had the following enchantments: Advanced Mending, Supreme Sharpness 5, Clear Skies favor 6, True Strike, Parry, Critical Hit, Envenomed 3, Viper 5, Adept 3, and frankly there are more that I am struggling to remember right now which is why I think a rollback might be better then a refund. I don't want to waste a mods time doing all the work to enchant nunchucks again for a refund. Thank you for your time. 


Also if the rollback request goes through I would request that the rollback is set to 4 p.m. midwest american time because that is a little bit before I logged on. Thank you for your time. 


A claim rollback to 4 p.m. midwestern american time. I was naked in my base before I logged off because people have been claim kill targeting me. Wish I could say specifically but they were invisible every time. So everything was in chests. Thank you for your time. 

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