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  1. Today
  2. Items refunded to player ingame
  3. Your Name: SonofSteelSoul Item Name + ID + Amount: I would like my armor back please, server had an issue and died and lost the armor. I do not need the inventory upgrade or crafting table cake I still have those thank you, superium armor Coordinates: Description of Issue: Screenshots (Optional):
  4. Yesterday
  5. Item refunded to player ingame
  6. Your Name: SonofSteelSoul Item Name + ID + Amount: 1 inventory upgrade cake 1 crafting table upgrade cake Coordinates: 54542 65 9985 Description of Issue: I was unable to login and manyouforgot fixed the problem and now I login and I don't have my Inventory upgrade cake and crafting table cake I would love to have them back please Screenshots (Optional):
  7. Hi there, please follow this guidelines so we can assist you
  8. Last week
  9. We recently got hacked and some of the commands got messed up, but it is now fixed try logging in and start a new island I can help you if you need supplies, I have just restarted myself so limited to what I have
  10. Project Ozone 3
  11. I'm writing this request for staff to help wipe my quests so that I can start a new game with my quests reset on Project Ozone 3 Kappa. IGN: gymboyp
  12. What mod pack that is what is need so the proper mod can be effected? afterwards I will let a manager know.
  13. If you was banned by the store that means tebex has banned you for chargeback, we have no control over this.
  14. Best of luck to you
  15. If you got banned from the store then it might mean you refunded something or it was a mistake idk but I will have manyouforgt look in to it okay.
  16. IGN: KawaiiSkies
  17. Player data has been cleared
  18. rolled back to the last backup before the given time
  19. Name: v3ect0r Coordinates: 6852 102 4411 Time: 7:46 PM EST Died in claim because someone accidently killed me, grave didn't spawn.
  20. Ing: Sonofsteelsoul I am starting a new island and would like my player data removed so I can do the achievements properly please and thanknyou
  21. Item Refunded to player ingame.
  22. Your Name: Jubokku Item Name + ID + Amount: Creative Jetpack 1 Coordinates: Description of Issue: Lost the jetpack due to the hacking situation
  23. Do Not join SF4 - another post will be made when it is fixed Last week, a hacker by the name of CustomPayload deleted SkyFactory 4 and leaked an IP in germany. His other name by "System88" is also a hacker account. For your progress, potentially safety online we advise not to log in. This hacker can unban himself and ban others. A new hacker could be on the scene however, most likely another account of CustomPayload.
  24. Same annoying dude most likely under a new account. I believe @ManYouForgotis attempting to fix it. @brunyman Please upgrade our server from Sponge to Paper or another thing.
  25. Hello @FELIVAND password has been reset check your messages on here for the details.
  26. Items refunded to player ingame.
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