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Everything posted by Kennap

  1. fa ca vaca ciupi pls. #demolation team 2012.
  2. woah this community it's still alive. nice to see ya again guys.
  3. i want the old craftersland back.. it's so booring :c
  4. mrrrrrrrrrr hei there you sexy lil claw :>
  5. How awesom it's Pixelmon.....btw.. 'ello homies...
  6. So.. Goldi-doddi , can you give me the setup ? EDIT : I get the game from YT and ... a lot of lag for meh :3 The map doesn't loading . I don't need the setup anymore.
  7. Mhmmm.. I can the play Cube World free ?.. If yes , I will give a bro fist for the one who give me a link.
  8. Nope http://fbcdn-sphotos-g-a.cloudliv.net/hphotos-ak-ash4/5223013_371023452991370_522301357_n.jpgb
  9. Nooooooo. Anyway I'm on the first page ^^
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