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Everything posted by NarubiaN

  1. Your Name: NarubiaN Item Name + Amount: DRAGONS; 2 fire, male and female 2 ice, male and female, one lightning, sex unknown Dragonforge fire core, ice core, lightning core 1 of each Dragonforge ice brick, fire brick, lightning brick, 21 of each Block of dragon bones, 12 Coordinates (format x, y, z): Irrelevant Coordinates of Death Tablet placed in a chest: Irrelevant Description of Issue: The backpack reset ate my dragons :') Screenshots (Optional):
  2. Please clear my inventory, as I repeatedly fail to disconnect to the server, after which refund me the items in said inventory; 18 ritual stones, 1 ritual tinkerer, 1 weak activation crystal, 1 master blood orb, 1 ritual diviner (dusk)
  3. Your Name: NarubiaN Coordiantes: -1330, 4439, 66 Time/Date (Post a time/date when everything was fine)(day/month/year): 11/11/21 00:01 i think Description of Issue: everything is gone, my ME, my machines, my power generators. errthing. i only trusted my neighbor, PT_HipnosE on the claim. No idea why he would do that Screenshots (Optional):
  4. New Name: NarubiaN Old Name: dla3dz16 I changed my Mojang account name, so now I don't have access to my stuff, pls swap player data tyvm
  5. So, I've had like 8 magmatic dynamos for a while, upgrading them hardened-signalum finally to resonant, I've also had 27 of em staying basic for some time. Now that I've finally reached reso tech, I went and upgraded all the signalums to reso, yay me 360rf/t. Then I go to upgrade the basic ones, and I figured I'll just use the conversion one, which costs exactly the same as going through the levels one by one. AWE AND BEHOLD! The conversion-upgraded ones make A THIRD of the RF! 120RF/t!! Is that known? What is this? Why is this? Can I please have the lame 27 replaced with proper reso ones? My name be dla3dz16 Thank you.
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