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Everything posted by Velfest3

  1. hello?
  2. Your Name: Velfest3 Island Owner Name: Velfest3 Coordiantes: x: 8953 z: -5886 Extra: Hi, i want restart the island and i done /is reset, the reset had removed just 1 or 2 chuck but the rest of island still there
  3. Hi Guys, Yeah I know, bees are slow, breeding are tedious, bees are waste of time, etc etc... I want try change my gamestyle in every pack (if possible), in this pack i want start bees. For breeding u must have Portable Analyzer, but it require Carpenter. I started some days ago and the carpenter it's too far. But perhaps those who made the DD&SS pack had not thought of it. Starting bees when you are in "advanced" level of tecnologies is just a waste of time. So, i was wondering if it's possible to change the recipe of Portable Analyzer. Apiary Frame too, require a revision (becouse the Impregnented Stick are made in Carpenter) I don't want an advantage, but only to bring to light a probable distraction
  4. ty, but i'm not stuck or bugged. The bug happen after some minutes when i go in mining dimension. I can rejoin the server and play, but about 2-3 minutes the same error kick me out. I redownloaded the pack, no resourcepack/shader (from twitch app) Cord where i have portal (and builder for quarring resources) x: -488 y: 78 (4) z: -1518
  5. Hi, when i go afk in mining dimension i got disconnected from the server with this message.
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