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Lumijiez last won the day on June 2 2024

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  1. I assume it's not, but it can be modified server-side to accept that recipe
  2. I second this aswell, huge nuisance
  3. GT:NH is a very old and unwipe-able server, especially the Overworld, and throughout the years it's been filled with bases of player that have spent less than two hours playing the pack and went inactive for years. Their bases now occupy good and attractive space for other players to setup their bases. I suggest going through the Townlist and purging bases that have players inactive for longer than 1-2 years. The number of years chosen is based on the average time it takes for a wipe to occur on other servers, plus perhaps one year. By removing those towns and resetting the chunks to the initial state, we will manage to keep the world fresh and clean for new players, without trash-scattered parts of the world full of bases that haven't even begun the Steam Age and whose owners last joined 3 years ago.
  4. That looks wonderful, good job! Happy to see people doing community projects.
  5. By putting a filtered transfer node, with stone for example, connected to a Drawer Controller, it will pull all the items it has to as needed, but will reset all the other items to max stack value, 64. In the attached video, you can see how the storage drawer caps at 64 even tho nothing is pulling away from it, but by removing the transfer node with filters, it starts working. The bug is consistent too since it can be redone.
  6. The staff's decision regarding your ban will unlikely be amended. What I said regarding being nice is reference for your future interactions with other players. On the other hand, don't try to justify your actions by saying you were bored, it doesn't put you in a better light.
  7. Not a staff member, but I wanted to share my thoughts. What you described is a serious offense, a crime in its full sense, and it's important to realize that a responsible person wouldn't do something like this, regardless of feeling bored or unmotivated. Grow up and look for attention by doing something nice for everyone, not by trashing the play experience for an entire server.
  8. All kids swear, maybe they dont do it in front of their parents and the parents think they don't, but they do. Blocking cursing completely will not do anything useful.
  9. What is considered an inappropriate conduct ? Any conduct that would be a hindrance to the server's healthy and friendly environment, some examples are: - Speaking foreign languages in the global chat and as such preventing staff from moderating it accordingly. - Spamming the same content, either in the global chat or in the item market. - Discussing sensitive topics. - An excessive use of profanity, swearing or CAPs. As you could notice from reading the contents of rule 4, inappropriate conduct depicts *excessive* use of profanity and swearing, more like uncontrollable and annoying use of profane language, not just simple swearing here and there.
  10. Shit....I was griefed!I try to mind positively....Can't do that...OH!...I cry!...(Don't do it at home!It can be dangerous,my cause mental problems)

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