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Everything posted by OverLimit0-old

  1. I've teleported you to spawn. You can get the unstuck package next time. T/C
  2. Fixed with /kill T/C
  3. Are you sure you logged in?
  4. Refunded clean Ice Dragonsteel Boots because no enchants were specifed. Leaving topic open in case you remember what enchants were on the boots.
  5. Refund Complete. T/C
  6. Server wipe complete T/C
  7. Please follow the template and make a rollback request
  8. https://forum.craftersland.net/topic/37660-template-inventory-rollback-request/
  9. If your death was a server issue make a inventory rollback request. And about the claim shovel issue, you can use any golden shovel to claim.
  10. Someone else complained about this but we still didn't get any details. Please tell us what you were doing before that
  11. Refunded a dragon egg and some dragon meal to get it back to stage 3. Reply here if there is any issue.
  12. We can't add/remove mods because people wouldn't be able to join with the default modpack (different mods list). Pretty sure the grave mod is already there but disabled because it was buggy and items were deleted sometimes.
  13. Not needed anymore. Server wipe. T/C
  14. Thank you for the information I'll have a talk with witeklos about his behavior and about giving you back the items you lost.
  15. It looks like there was a blood moon and Xaedric tried to protect you using the Unholy Alliance electroblob spell (not quite the best way ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ ). The difficulty went up because he has a lot more play time and his difficulty is higher. (not intended) The orbs are actually xp from weapons with the living enchant and might be what caused the lag clear to delete some of your items. You can make a refund request. Even tho you invited him, i'll have a discussion with Xaedric about this kind of interactions.
  16. Even tho what ZerothEU did is not nice, pvp is enabled and by the looks of it this is an isolated incident and not continous killing or anything that would fall under the harassment accusation. ZerothEU if you see this, be friendly!
  17. Did ZerothEU tp kill or break any other rules?
  18. Your Name: OverLimitCoordinates: 2940 97 938Time/Timezone/Date (Post a time/timezone/date when everything was fine): 14.04.2020 18:38 GMT+2Description of Issue: Thanks to a nice server crash right as i died a grave never spawned and my stuff is gone OOF - I had another rollback request but there was no backup of my inventory of that time so i changed the time in this request to an hour earlier I will still have some stuff missing but at least no everything Pretty sure you guys don't even have that backup anymore so oof Screenshots (Optional):
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