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Everything posted by OverLimit0-old

  1. You really shouldn't use the dragon horn because it is know to randomly delete your dragon. Pretty sure it was even disabled in the pack (can't find it in JEI so i got one from myself). I recommend a golden lasso.
  2. Thank you for the information I'll have a talk with witeklos about his behavior and about giving you back the items you lost.
  3. How long did it take to "grab a bite" ? items shouldn't despawn so fast. Might have been a lag clear. The grave mod is disabled because of issues with items getting duped and/or deleted.
  4. Because there was no response for quite some time I will close the topic and you can make a new request when you come back. T/C
  5. It looks like there was a blood moon and Xaedric tried to protect you using the Unholy Alliance electroblob spell (not quite the best way ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ ). The difficulty went up because he has a lot more play time and his difficulty is higher. (not intended) The orbs are actually xp from weapons with the living enchant and might be what caused the lag clear to delete some of your items. You can make a refund request. Even tho you invited him, i'll have a discussion with Xaedric about this kind of interactions.
  6. Even tho what ZerothEU did is not nice, pvp is enabled and by the looks of it this is an isolated incident and not continous killing or anything that would fall under the harassment accusation. ZerothEU if you see this, be friendly!
  7. Did ZerothEU tp kill or break any other rules?
  8. Refunds and rollbacks are for items lost because of server issues. You breaking the colossal chest isn't server's fault so we can't do anything about it. T/C
  9. Next time please order the items in a better way because it is kinda hard to follow. Make it a list with lines.
  10. Sorry. I saw this request quite late but you have to make a inventory rollback request to get the exact pickaxes or I could open some cases to get a similar one. If you want me to just try and refund without a inventory rollback please list the enchants you remember from the mattock and the rarity + speed of the mega loot pickaxe.
  11. Not sure if it's still the case but anchored items used to get deleted when you died. I had this issue too and still don't know what causes armor piece to randomly get taken off. You should add curse of binding to it so this doesn't happen again.
  12. The anchor actually deletes the items on death xd Now you know
  13. Your Name: OverLimit0 Coordinates: -864 2905 121 Time/Timezone/Date (Post a time/timezone/date when everything was fine): 27.07.2021 18:55 GMT+3 Description of Issue: I was playing with some chance cubes. I broke like 3 of them with no effect and because the server lagged everything triggered at the same time after like 30s throwing all my stuff into a lava pool while i was flying over it and killing me right after. Screenshots (Optional): -
  14. Your Name: OverLimit0 Item Name + ID + Amount: Fire Dragonsteel Boots #7016 1 Protection IX, Feather Falling XIV, Unbreaking VIII, Multi-Jump IX, Thorns V, Mending I, Quality:Masterful Base coordinates: -888 2900 121 Description of Issue: Sometimes when i open my inventory the boots get selected and if i close it the boots drop. When i got on the server earlier the boots were just gone. Screenshots (Optional): -
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