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ohnolookwho's Achievements

  1. Your Name: Ohnolookwho Town Name: Everblock Coordinates: x -3729 z -2458 Time/Timezone/Date (Post a time/date when everything was fine): April 2023 (the grief seems to have happened in May 2023 according to other town rollbacks). Description of Issue: Got griefed long time ago while I wasn't playing, all chest contents were wiped and replaced with a colourful message book.
  2. If this is too much to process, let me know. https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1i5jhcTKSRFAszpM-KIXGEYv3QhquBBdI4EpVUY0RU-o/edit?usp=sharing
  3. Bumping for visibility; let me know if this request wont be granted.
  4. Your Name: Ohnolookwho Item Name + Amount: Quarter of my base Coordinates: x=135, y=104, z=6000 Description of Issue: Griefer cleared out a lot of item storage, broke spawners, deleted rare tools, most of my item backups and broke item routing. Left plenty of cheated items as well. It will take days to fix/recollect all of it. Griefing happened sometime between 23:30 CEST and 13:00 the next day. Since town rollbacks are now delayed until further notice, I'm eating up the looses and asking for the most important items for a refund. Screenshots (Optional): https://imgur.com/a/w3jytXN
  5. Edit: Made a refund request since rollbacks aren't a thing for a while. Your Name: Ohnolookwho Town Name: Everblock Coordinates: x=135, y=104, z=6000 Time/Timezone/Date (Post a time/date when everything was fine): 23:00 CEST, 10 August 2022 Description of Issue: Griefer cleared out a lot of item storage, broke spawners, deleted rare tools, most of my item backups and broke item routing. Left plenty of cheated items as well. It will take days to fix/recollect all of it. Griefing happened sometime between 23:30 CEST and 13:00 the next day. Screenshots (Optional): https://imgur.com/a/w3jytXN
  6. Several mechanics are difficult to engage with, as they require items to be thrown on the ground for a period of time; the items disappear quickly and cause costly, time consuming loss for no reason. Specifically, enchanting with mana requires multiple items to be thrown on the ground, same with mana tablets in mana pools and terrasteel. Could we please get the following items added to the blacklist, so they don't vanish while dropped on the ground: - Enchanted book 403 (all enchanted books; I don't know if plugin can be toggled to ignore nbt/metadata data) - Manasteel 4594 | Mana Pearl 4594:1 | Mana Diamond 4594:2 | Terrasteel Ingot 4594:4 (these items need to be dropped on the ground to form terrasteel) - Mana tablet 4598, Mana Tablet 4598:1 - Mana Tablet 4598:1000 (mana tablets have different name depending on their level of fullness, the value ranges from 0-1000. I don't know if ranges are possible to be added) - Band of mana 4624, 4624:0-4624:1000 | Greater Band of mana 4626, 4626:0 - 4626:1000 (same as above) Please, and thank you.
  7. I used to think twilight forest was laggy but recently playing in evenings is growing more problematic than ever. Infinity is already a bloated pack, it doesn't need to be timed out every second evening with this:
  8. Do you specifically need to use ME for terrasteel maker? You can simply put 3 droppers/hoppers into an open crate (fed by pipes, or corporea), put a redstone timer of some sort (such as hovering hourglass) and set the timing to whatever you need. Mine's on 30 minute timer, so it drops 1 mana pearl, diamond and manasteel onto the plate every 30 minutes. Unless I misunderstood you.
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