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Everything posted by Styxster

  1. So since my idea for adding spawn eggs of the crimson cult bosses was nixxed, I have dug into it and found an alternative solution. Since late game stuff is locked behind the ability to fight these bosses, how about we add the Primordial Peals to the Shop ($400) and the Praetor Armor set aswell $2000 for full set or $500 a piece. Also, since the only way to progress the research for thaumcraft is to scan a crimson cult cleric/knight, maybe a spawner for clerics/knights available for sale. they are supposed to be prevalent in the world, so roughly $800 for a spawner seems fair. Due to unorthodox means, I was able to generate enough flux to force spawn a crimson cult raid, however many players getting into thaumcraft wont have access to the amount of resources needed to repeat this sledgehammer approach to a problem that should be one of the first researches they get. The spawn eggs cause no issues either, they have them on the shop in craftersland IE and a mod has since shown me they are spawnable without repercussions to the server.
  2. then alteast give us a way to buy primordial pearls at spawn for like $400
  3. I enjoy playing with the community on Rev. if we could get an admin spawner at spawn or ability to purchase stuff such as a primordial pearl, it would simplify the whole process
  4. So a good 1/3 of thaumcrafts endgame is currently locked out due to the crimson cult not spawning. I believe if we got a spawner or ability to purchase a spawner for the different cult members, we could resolve this lock out. I've been unable to test this theory due to all mods being busy doing other stuff. My ingame is Styxster and I'd love to link up and test a few ways to unlock the endgame of thaumcraft or design a system for the server to allow thoughtful progression to acquire these items/spells
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