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  1. Ah yes and also the Destruction Pickaxe you gave me had no Efficiency X (It comes with that when you craft it)
  2. Um yes, you see my friend xXCommandDudeXx Got his Staff from another guy who gave it to him for the while, and I guess you took it from him.
  3. Thank you
  4. It was? Sorry I don't seem to see it anywhere
  5. Your Name: FLAMESCYTHEItem Name + Amount: I Honestly have no clue because it was my whole inventory, but these are the last things I remember having 1 Resonant Jetpack 1 Destruction Pickaxe 1 Healing Axe 1 Super Builders Wand 7 Mobius Stable/Unstable Ingots About a stack and a half of resonant flux ductsCoordinates: My Base: -1365 113 686 | Where I Died : -459 68 -286Description of Issue: I got some plutonium that this guy gave me in my mail forgot you had to have a Hazmat Set Then I couldn't tp because I was getting hurt tried to fly away to a spot where your grave can spawn, thought I flew far enough then landed on a tree, died went back to find out that place I got to was still not far enough then my grave did not spawn Pls Help
  6. I did get that infinite mana pool, but not sure if you already took it because I cant seem to find it
  7. Sorry for the late response The server was the FTB Infinity Evolved Server
  8. Your Name: FLAMESCYTHE Item Name + Amount: 1 Draconic Staff Of PowerCoordinates: x: -1367 z: 683 y: 113 Description of Issue: My friend was donated a bunch of stuff after he couldn't find his grave including a Draconic Staff Of Power and a Bat/wolf Token, So basically he went into the sun died, then i got his stuff, tried to drop the staff back to him, but as soon as I dropped it he did the red Vampire blood sucking thing (not sure if this changed anything) then it disappeared, just like that Please help My friend is very jealous
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