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Scanrog's Achievements

  1. Mainly AE2 stuff I was working on, 2 Enhanced galgadonian metal, 8 enriched sunnarium and 2 regular sunnarium and my molecular transformer. aside from that there was about 15 stacks of blaze powder and a couple stacks each of cryotheum and pyrothem dust missing from a chest. +8 overclocked heat vents +Mining well + MFSU That's all I can see, thanks for the rollback.
  2. Name: Scanrog Town Name: NeotownCoordinates: x: -1500. z:-1672, y:73 Time/Date (Post a time/date when everything was fine): 22:30 UTC/30 Nov.Description of Issue: Added extra layer to smeltery, Kaszanka told me that the smeltery has wiped all of the data of the surrounding blocks, leaving my base devoid of all items. Screenshots (Optional): https://gyazo.com/f21c568017f9e7d6cc5c18e15691d788 https://gyazo.com/b10b538ec7e5e5f164f83f8a355aaf48 < empty chests
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