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Everything posted by TzadO

  1. We checked out the area, nothing suspicious to see there. We checked out the player from the sign, nothing suspicious either. The issue doesn't seem to repeat. It is a non-protected area, so nitro-creepers for instance can spawn there.
  2. CL (brunyman) doesnt have it anymore. I didnt download it either.
  3. Hey Elvaira767, inventory rollbacks take a bit more time/planning to perform, it may take a day or so. Just make sure you empty your bags before you log off since your inventory will be reset to date/time given by you.
  4. I vote for a vote on the mapwipe too!? New chances, new opportunities. And above all: less lag and restarts! I've heard mixed reactions so far, most current regulars seem in favor though. A vote will tell it!
  5. Hey guys, Ive been playing around with Binnie's mod last couple of weeks, just for fun purposes. But it became less fun though when I saw my genebank reset to 0
  6. I would like a reactivation of my rank plz Also, I donated up to P+ today and it isn't showing the + (yet)
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