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Everything posted by QuantumBlade

  1. Excellent!! Thanks!
  2. Yay!!! Thanks! ? EDIT: Any chance of doing the same for mana orbs and wisdom wood logs?
  3. I had replaced the arcane pedestals around my infusion altar with the ancient stone versions a long time ago. Finally got around to trying to upgrade the altar itself. Only to find that doesn't work. You make the structure like it should be, with the 8 ancient stone blocks, ancient pedestal and runic matrix... then you try to use the salis mundus on it and.... nothing. It just doesn't form.
  4. Nacre won't form anymore when dropping a gold nugget into a mana pool. The nugget just sits there until it despawns, but the nacre never forms. Pretty game breaking considering it takes nacre to make arcane stone and also by extension to make the blank runes for a blood altar.
  5. This was reported earlier today by some other players with the flint GT axe. I later confirmed it with a diamond GT axe. It appears to make progress breaking the block of the tree, then snaps back to fully un-cut. Have not tested in the overworld. I'm guessing its something that broke since the pack update. EDIT: Vanilla axe works fine
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