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Everything posted by Jackerknife

  1. So the rollback did in fact take us back, but it went a bit too far, to the point where i just lost about a day and a half's worth of work rather than just a day. Honestly I think I'd be losing more from the rollback than leaving it, would it be possible to revert the rollback at all, or have it less far back so my group doesn't have to start basically from scratch?
  2. Your Name: JackerknifeCoordiantes: 3988, 137, -2310Time/Date (Post a time/date when everything was fine)(day/month/year): 11:10PM EDT, 23/06/2019Description of Issue: Upgraded a Golden Chest into a Diamond Chest, when I did so, the entire inventory was wiped. Is there any way to roll the chest or area back to before it was upgraded?Screenshots (Optional): image of the chest after it was upgraded, dont have any of it beforehand.
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