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Everything posted by 3SBrav0vsky

  1. Is anyone trying to fix this?
  2. Your Name: 3SBrav0vsky Coordinates: xyz: 3357 69 -1493 Time/Date (Post a time/date when everything was fine)(day/month/year): 01/07/2023 Description of Issue: When i logged back to the server (03/07/2023) i saw that half of my chests are gone, backpacks that were on the floor, statues, one of the normal minecraft furnace, same goes for my ae2 storage system that i had setup with 3 drivers full with items. Apparently it got destroyed all by hand, as you can see on the screenshot, like missing blocks on the floor or chest randomly destroyed, some of them were empty, but others were full with rare gems. The area was claimed long time ago, and I didn't give perms to anyone, the stuff that was broken shouldn't provoke any lag just because they were there for a long time and those were normal upgraded chests with items and a ae2 system that got dropped from legendary crate, and the machinery, that stands besides the storage is intact. The chunks in question are: 209 4 -94 210 4 -94
  3. Your Name: 3SBrav0vsky Coordinates: I dont have the coordinates where i last log off Time/Date (Post a time/date when everything was fine): 19:30 CET 19/01/2023 Description of Issue: Before I logged out, I had a lot of items in my backpacks, I was logged out before one of the server resets. Next day I logged into the server and one of the users had a problem, where his items disappeared from his backpack. I looked if this same case happened to me, and it did. Screenshots (Optional): https://ibb.co/9hTYWxX
  4. My bad, i posted on the wrong server forum.
  5. Your Name: 3SBrav0vsky Coordinates: I dont have the coordinates where i last log off Time/Date (Post a time/date when everything was fine): 19:30 CET 19/01/2023 Description of Issue: Before I logged out, I had a lot of items in my backpacks, I was logged out before one of the server resets. Today I logged into the server and one of the users had a problem, where his items disappeared from his backpack. I looked if this same case happened to me, and it did. Screenshots (Optional): https://ibb.co/9hTYWxX
  6. Your Name: 3SBrav0vsky Coordiantes: 273 69 3122 Time/Date (Post a time/date when everything was fine)(day/month/year): 30/07/2022 Description of Issue: Last time that i was playing was like 1 week ago, i made a temporary storage to put everything there and be able to move it in near future to another place, using Modular Storage from RFTToolsStorage, today, 05/08/2022 i log in and i saw that every item was missing, inside those 2 Modular Storage blocks. The "Tier 3 Storage Module" Card that is needed to manage those storage was "created" today 05/08/2022, its like the server recreated them at 7:33 The 2 Storage blocks are together in the same chunkloader. Everything was inside the chest that were behind those modular storages before i put them in the system. Thanks in the advance. Screenshots (Optional):
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