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Everything posted by Made_You_L00k

  1. Render distance is adequate right now, seems to be somewhere around 4-6 chunks radius at the moment. I understand increasing render distance adds load to the server, but if it's possible to do so on a player-specific basis (which I realise it might technically not be), and they're willing to pay to compensate (say, 5 bucks per 2-chunk radius increase, etc), that might work out? I'd pay that. Also, this isn't strictly related, but since I've might have eyes here, I can't see whether or not Steve's Carts chunkloaders are allowed? They're not on the ban list, but they aren't part of the "iron block + blaze rod" system we're using (which is only good for static location loading). I desperately want to do train logistics. I'd also be willing to pay 5 bucks for this too (to offset additional server load), if it's not currently allowed.
  2. Like it says in the title, sorry if this is in the wrong place, I couldn't find any more suitable category on the forum. I'm playing MC Eternal 1.12 on Craftersland, which includes Minecolonies. I've looked at video tutorials, the wiki, their subreddit, and I can't find an answer to a specific Minecolonies question. Their mod community only offer help on their discord, BUT only for 1.16 and up, and their subreddit has banned help questions. So, this is the last place I have to ask. On newer versions of Mincolonies, you can build at any height variations and it's fine, but on some earlier versions you need to build it on a level plane. But it's unclear if that's true on 1.12 or not? On 1.12 do I need to build my colony at a consistent height level, or can I build in mountains and highlands without worries?
  3. I couldn't find drawer upgrades on any ban lists, yet when attempting to craft drawer upgrades: Whether ingredients are manually inserted, or automatically via JEI recipe "move items", the resulting item does not appear in the rightward crafting table slot. Atttempted with both vanilla and TC tables. Ingredients used were standard vanilla wood sticks, and multiple types of oak/acacia drawers. I attempted to attach screenshots, but they're all too big, sorry.
  4. There are at least three misbehaviours I've noted in Thaumcraft. Firstly, in crafting the block-breaker golem seal, you are required to place a golden shovel on a pedestal. However, the golden shovel has a server function for chunk manipulation bound to it's right click, so it cannot be placed. This can be (inconsistently) circumvented via a mechanical user. Secondly, in crafting the subsequent lumberjack golem seal, I cannot active the crafting process by right clicking the crucible witht the block-breaker seal as a catalyst. It simply places the seal on top of the crucuble. The mechanical user does not circumvent this as far as I can tell. Dropping the seal into the crucible as an ingredient...does not work either. EDIT: You can craft it the lumberjack seal safely with the thaumatorium. Lastly, despite being chunkloaded fully, golems sometimes cease to function if you are not present. Regarding the latter, I read somewhere that the outermost ring of chunk-loaded-chunks isn't fully loaded as if a player was present, can someone confirm if this is the case?
  5. So since today, the /market and /um commands do not function for me. The only response is "Unknown Command". I can't even find them or any similar commands on the /help pages any more. Has something changed?
  6. Belated thanks. It even looks better than before.
  7. I already realize you can buy extra chunkloader slots with real money on the forum store, this doesn't replace that. So, like a lot of people, I've been having my chunkloaders vanish out of existence constantly, and either I have to post to the forums and wait up to 24 hours for a mod to replace them, which is irritating both me and the mods replacing them constantly I presume, or I have to spend my in-game money to replace them, at no fault of my own. I imagine this is known issue to the server staff at this point, and they are seeking a solution (although I can't find any feedback on the issue, which would be nice), but in the meantime, it's a pain in the ass. And I've been trying to think of a way to get loaders replaced faster, and thought of all sorts of stupid shit, like chat commands, or just free replacements with an honor system, etc. So the idea is: Loaders are free. You can buy as many as you want for $0 at the spawn. You can fill an entire chest with them if you want. However, when you first join the server, you can only have 1 placed in the world (or active) at a time, instead of the current 4. But, you can permanently increase your max active loaders up to 4 (where it's currently at) by purchasing upgrades at some high price with in-game money ($10,000+ per slot). If four isn't enough, you can increase your max to 10 via the forums store with real money, as it is now. And any time you want, if your active loader dissapears, you can go to spawn and get a replacement, totally free. Or maybe even just with a command to put one in your inventory. It doesn't solve the dissapearence issue, but it does minimise the interruption of gameplay, and reduce the need for staff to get involved with item replacement, and it even gives a reason for the economy and earning cash other than being to lazy find/mine/craft certain items yourself, haha. It might even convince some more people to vote for the extra cash.
  8. I'm on the revelation server. I don't know what other players see, but when I'm at spawn, all the items for sale are no longer physically displayed below the signs used to purchase them. And since there is nothing else to indicate what the items are, you would have to click the signs blindly and hope it's an item you want, haha. The only exception is the chunkloader. Its display item is still gone, but someone placed a sign above the purchase sign, with the name of the item on it. Can I recommend this be done for all items for sale at spawn? So it would look like: Sign: Item name Sign: Price/Amount/Purchase Button Item Display
  9. I've been having issues with tethering animals to fences with leads. It works at first, but then after a restart, I can sometimes no longer tether an animal to a particular fence post. I can tether the animal, OR the fence, but not both. If I break and replace the fence, no difference, but if I craft a NEW fence and place it in a NEW location, sometimes it works. But that original fence location simply cannot be tethered anymore. And sometimes if I try, I get a temporary duplication of leads, in which I am holding two loads tied to two different things, for no reason. Also, the server dissapeared my horse, Nox. He was right next to me, then when I looked up, he was gone. Nothing killed him, no sounds, no xp or saddle/armor items around, just gon. I imagine named mob data is probably saved on the server somewhere, so if he could be re-appearaed, that would be appreciated.
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