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Posts posted by MaGzKaka

  1. Hello, i as well as other players believe we should have a server wipe. The TPS tanks(<8) with 8 people and on busy day's ,restarts occur  multiple times per hour. There are tons of laggy bases abandoned all over the world which need deletion and newbies always ask if the server  lags so much all the time(then they leave). I hope this is considered and have a nice day!

  2. Your Name:  MaGzKaka
    Coordianates: I dont know, i dont have a waypoint set
    Time/Date (Post a time/date when everything was fine)(day/month/year):  1/24/20 12PM US Eastern Time
    Description of Issue: Base Corrupted, get kicked out of server when going to my base. Kicked to a "Rollback Server"
    Screenshots (Optional): 

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